Upper Beechwood is a higher end Waterloo neighbourhood immediately south of Laurelwood and west of Beechwood and Fischer Hallman.

Expressway access to the 401 is best via Ira Needles. Erb St. is a good choice if you’re heading north on the parkway. The community is served by public transit on all the main roads but the closest LRT stop, in the University neighbourhood, is a bit of a jaunt.

Properties in Upper Beechwood for the most part date from the ’80’s and 90’s. There are a few row house developments on the periphery of the neighbourhood but the overwhelming property style is the two storey single detached home. Modest homes are atypical and there are several streets with truly spectacular homes.

Regency Park is the biggest of several parks and much of the real estate in Upper Beechwood backs onto green-space and/or walking trails. Even more nature awaits you at nearby Laurel Creek.

There are several local golf courses to choose from. For athletics and recreation you’ve the Stork Family YMCA, the Waterloo Rec-Plex, and Rim Park on the other side of town. The local neighbourhood associations offer up swimming, tennis and basketball at two separate facilities. The Boardwalk to the south-west offers up tons of great shopping, beverages, dining and more.

Local schools are fantastic, with high EQAO scores. There are plenty of nearby grocery stores as well. Upper Beechwood is definitely one you should check out if you’re after a mature higher-end suburban lifestyle with lots of green-space and things to see and do.

SEE upper beechwood PROPERTIES

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Use this link to confirm schools for properties you are interested in: Schools By Address

Additional Schools Information Click Here: Kitchener Waterloo Schools

St. Nicholas
525 Laurelwood Drive, Waterloo, Ontario, N2V 2N1
Phone: 519-884-9198, Fax: 519-884-0211

Resurrection Catholic Secondary
455 University Avenue West, Kitchener, Ontario, N2N 3B9
Phone: 519-741-1990, Fax: (519) 741-5096

Centennial Public School (Waterloo)
141 Amos Ave. Waterloo, ON N2L2W8
Phone: (519) 885-5660

Mary Johnston Public School
475 Brynhurst Blvd. Waterloo, ON N2T2C6
Phone: (519) 747-1620

Laurel Heights Secondary School
650 Laurelwood Dr. Waterloo, ON N2V2V1
Phone: (519) 880-9979

Crime Stats


Google Maps Groceries in Waterloo
Google Maps Groceries in Kitchener

Food Basics
600 Laurelwood Dr, Waterloo, ON N2V 0A2

Food Basics
851 Fischer-Hallman Rd, Kitchener, ON N2M 5N8

930 Erb St. W, Waterloo, ON N2J 3Z4

450 Erb St W, Waterloo, ON N2T1H4

100 The Boardwalk, Kitchener, ON N2N 0B1

Sobeys Columbia
450 Columbia St W, Waterloo, ON N2T 2W1

Sobeys Ira Needles
235 Ira Needles Blvd, Kitchener, ON N2N 0B2


Andrew Shackleton

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