What are Kitchener’s ward neighbourhoods? There are quite a few of them, located in four wards named north, south, east and west. These wards are named after historic electoral districts that no longer exist. These earlier ward names and boundaries have been replaced by the current numeric 10 ward system used for electing City Councillors.
I’d say these original wards are laid out like a compass but that doesn’t take into account that the streets in the core seem to be rotated from a north orientation by roughly 45 degrees. Here’s a map to show you what I mean.

What are the advantages of living in Kitchener's ward neighbourhoods?
Employment, entertainment, the LRT, Via and Go trains and walkability, to name just a few things. If you drive, expressway access is quite good. There’s plenty of green-space to enjoy as well. The links below will take you to each of the individual ward neighbourhoods pages with detailed information including videos and available listings.
North Ward has 3 neighbourhoods, Northward proper, to the east of Lancaster, Fairfield, where Breithaupt is located and lastly, Mount Hope, to the east of Grand River Hospital. The biggest news here is Google and ongoing condo development along King. Breithaupt, of course, is a true gem.
West Ward consists of Victoria Park and Cherry Hill immediately to the north, both on the west side of King. There has been a lot of re-purposing and condo development here along with plenty of century home charm.
The South Ward includes the Mill Courtland area south to Ottawa and smaller Cedar Hill in the downtown core. This is an affordable area with some portions being actively redeveloped. This is especially evident at the old J.M. Schnieder’s plant and along sections of King south of Benton.
Kitchener’s East Ward comprises Civic Centre, Central Frederick and the Auditorium neighbourhoods. The north east corner of East Ward is the seat of government for the City of Kitchener and the Region. Homes in the area are mostly century although the properties do get newer as you head south and east. Some sections of Auditorium are spectacular.